
Monday 30 June 2014

New sugar limits can be breached by a bar of chocolate

New proposed recommendations to tackle Britain's love of sugar will mean one bar of chocolate will take many people over their daily limit

A Mars bar contains 33g (1.16oz) of sugar, well in excess of the average 25g

A single bar of chocolate, three yogurts or a fizzy drink would take the average person over proposed daily sugar limits announced by scientific advisers to the Government. The recommendations halve current limits, meaning that the average woman should have no more than five to six teaspoons (25g) of sugar a day, and seven to eight teaspoons (35g) for men.

Scientific advisers to Government signalled a war on sugar with draft recommendations that would require radical changes to the British diet. Read more:

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Gorging on fruit and vegetables is the key to preventing chronic diseases like diabetes and asthma

  • People who eat lots of fruit are less likely to develop any chronic disease 
  • High intake of vegetables helps prevent multiple chronic diseases
  • Healthier people eat lots of different grains, not just wheat and rice
  • The world-first research was conducted by the University of Adelaide
People who eat a higher amount of fruit are less likely to develop any chronic disease, new research from the University of Adelaide shows

Eating plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables and whole grains helps prevent people from developing more than one chronic disease, new medical research shows.

The world-first research conducted by the University of Adelaide examined the link between diet and 11 chronic diseases, including anemia, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, arthritis, hepatitis, coronary heart disease, asthma, stroke, fracture and cancer. 

It found that people who eat a higher amount of fruit are less likely to develop any chronic disease, while a high intake of vegetables helps prevent people with one chronic disease from developing a second. Read more:

Sunday 22 June 2014

Sugary beverages 'a trigger for gout': Soft drinks, fructose and beer to blame for rise in patients with 'kings' disease'

  • Number of gout patients has nearly doubled since 1970s
  • Modern causes are sweet drinks, fructose, beer and medication

Gout, once the disease of kings, is on the increase, and sugary soft drinks as much as whisky and wine may be to blame, research claims.

The number of patients  has nearly doubled since the 1970s and the painful  disease is the most common form of inflammatory arthritis in men.
One person in 35 is now affected, according to the research into the prevalence and causes of gout.

Historic sufferers such as King Henry VIII may have developed the condition from fine dining on meat and port, but today’s victims may be more likely to get it from sugar-sweetened soft drinks, fructose and beer, or as a side effect of medications. Read more:

Tuesday 17 June 2014

The hell of giving up sugar (and why it's worth all the agony in the end): We're endlessly told sugar is the new nicotine.

  • Despite a seemingly healthy lifestyle Nicole Mowbray couldn't shift her extra weight; then she realised her diet was saturated with sugar
  • Too much sugar can lead to heart problems and increased cancer risk
  • Nicole found after one day of going cold turkey on sugar she had severe head pain, nausea, aching limbs and flu-like symptoms
  • However, two years later she has come out the other side slimmer, healthier and happier than before

No one can have escaped this year’s shocking sugar headlines: more addictive than tobacco, more dangerous than alcohol, more fattening than fat.

Countless column inches have been devoted to telling us exactly why — and how — we should be cutting back on sugar, hidden in almost everything we eat.Read more:

Gene test that transforms your chances of beating cancer

Fred Barker was diagnosed with a rare but aggressive form of cancer in his adrenal glands just over three years ago. It came as a dreadful shock to the 44-year-old. 

Most patients with this sort of tumour have less than six months left. But Fred lived for nearly three years thanks to a highly sophisticated gene test that's set to revolutionise the way cancers are treated. Read more:

Friday 6 June 2014

Could this be the end of chemotherapy? New leukaemia drug boosts survival rate to 90% and could eventually replace invasive chemical treatment

  • Ibrutinib drug trial showed better rates of survival than chemotherapy
  • Patients in Australia could have access to Ibrutinib within a year
  • Trial showed higher rate of people entered remission than chemotherapy
  • Breakthrough alternative for people with resistance to chemotherapy
A breakthrough international trial of a new cancer drug has given researchers renewed hope in the fight against leukaemia, with one Australian doctor suggesting it could end traditional chemotherapy treatments for good.

The results of a trial on 391 patients showed the drug Ibrutinib gave patients fighting a type of slow growing blood cancer called Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) a 90 per cent chance of survival, eight higher than the 81 per cent who survive on chemotherapy treatment.

What's more, the drug is less invasive than traditional forms of radiation, and is an alternative for patients whose cancer cells have built up a resistance to chemotherapy. Results from the trial also showed that four out of every 10 patients entered remission within a year, compared to four in 100 on a traditional course of radiation.

ibrutinib works by killing cells in Chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients and could be the perfect alternative to traditional chemotherapy treatments
ibrutinib works by killing cells in Chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients and could be the perfect alternative to traditional chemotherapy treatments

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