
Tuesday 14 November 2017

Revealed: The foods to eat for a PERFECT night's sleep

  • Five foods can help you get better sleep, according to National Geographic Food
  • You should avoid caffeine, alcohol, and spicy or fatty foods
  • Instead eat foods rich in magnesium and sleep-inducing tryptophan 

Insomnia is a real affliction affecting millions of us everyday, with the average person in the UK losing a whole night's worth of sleep every week.

But experts say you could improve your chances of getting a decent night's shut-eye by eating the right foods.

National Geographic Food has revealed in its new magazine the five foods everyone should eat regularly to put an end to insomnia.

And they include the divisive yeast extract, Marmite. Read more:

Monday 13 November 2017

A broken heart can cause as much damage as having a heart attack

Severe emotional stress found to cause permanent injury to the organ
  • Severe emotional stress found to cause permanent injury to the organ
  • At least 3,000 UK adults suffer from 'broken heart syndrome' every year
  • University of Aberdeen researchers say condition permanently weakens heart
  • British Heart Foundation says there is no treatment as recovery was expected 

Severe emotional stress can cause as much damage to the heart as a heart attack, British researchers claim.

At least 3,000 adults in the UK a year suffer from ‘broken heart syndrome’ – or takotsubo – but the true number may be even higher.

It is commonly triggered by a bereavement and occurs when the stress of the event causes the heart muscle to become stunned and weakened.

But until now doctors had presumed the damage was temporary and would eventually heal with time. Read more:

Tuesday 31 October 2017

Cannabis oil and fighting cancer - scientific study

Grandmother-of-10 ditches chemotherapy after she claims CANNABIS oil caused her cancerous breast tumour to shrink to an eighth of the size and her case will now be studied by scientists
  • Lin Coxon, 69, from Derby, took the £39 oil while waiting for treatment
  • Told she needed eight rounds of chemotherapy, a lumpectomy and radiotherapy
  • But before she had it, scans showed 33mm tumour had shrunk and is now 4mm
  • Cancer also spread to lymph nodes which have reduced from 25mm to 10mm
  • Researchers at St George's, University of London, are now looking at her case
  • Lin is one of 'a growing and large collection' of patient testimonies, they said

A grandmother-of-ten has claimed her cancerous breast tumour has shrunk to an eighth of the size since she started taking cannabis oil.

Lin Coxon was told she needed aggressive treatment – including eight rounds of chemotherapy – but has now opted to not have it. 

The 69-year-old's cancer had also spread to her lymph nodes and she has said these have now reduced by more than half.

Her case is being studied by medical researchers to see if it offers hope to others battling cancer. Scientists at St George's, University of London, say they are studying her with interest.

Lin, from Derby, said: 'Going public with this was a big decision but I do not feel I can morally keep this to myself any longer.

'I cannot say cannabis oil will work for anyone else but my experience would seem to show it is worth trying. 'I feel people have nothing to lose especially if they are waiting for chemotherapy.' Read more:

Sunday 29 October 2017

The world's simplest weight loss plan

You can lose a stone in two months with no calorie-counting and less than 30 minutes of exercise a week

Do you feel out of shape, sluggish or tired all the time – and want to feel better, but don’t know where to start?

With winter looming, it’s often tempting to banish thoughts of getting fit and healthy in favour of curling up on the sofa with a big bowl of comfort food Yet a lack of exercise and poor diet could be sending you to an early grave.

Here’s the good news. You can do something about it, and it needn’t be as hard as you think.

Using my two decades of experience in the field, I have devised a plan to help you lose a stone, sleep better, balance blood sugar, boost your heart health – and even fight dementia.
And it is all achievable with a simple diet and fitness plan that focuses on a set of exercises you can do at home in less than 30 minutes a week. Read more: