
Monday 6 October 2014

Three in four of us have a bad back: Sitting at a desk and lounging in front of TV found to be among main causes of complaints

  • Three in four of us now suffer from bad pain, according to experts
  • British Chiropractic Association says sedentary lifestyles are main problem
  • Hunching over a computer screen or lounging in bed may cause issues
  • Survey found 82 per cent spend six hours a day in front of a screen
Being hunched over a computer screen for hours at a time means three-quarters of us now suffer from back pain, experts say. Rather than wrenching the back with strenuous exercise or hard lifting, sedentary lifestyles are the main cause of problems. Lounging in front of a television or spending too long in bed are also major causes of back complaints, according to the British Chiropractic Association.

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