
Saturday 3 January 2015

Revolutionary new PILL could treat skin cancer: Scientists discover drug could help patients resistant to standard treatments

  • Drug called a panRAF inhibitor could help advanced skin cancer patients
  • Skin cancer patients can become resistant to standard drugs within a year 
  • The new drugs hit several cancer cell survival routes at once
  • They suppress tumours without any significant side-effects
  • Clinical trials focusing on safety and dosage will begin next year

A revolutionary new pill for advanced skin cancer is to be trialled next year. Laboratory tests suggest that the drug is likely to be effective in melanoma patients who no longer respond to existing treatments.

Known as a panRAF inhibitor, the drug may also help people with a strain of cancer that cannot be treated with standard drugs.

Melanoma, or malignant skin cancer, affects around 13,000 people and causes more than 2,000 deaths in the UK each year. Read more:

A revolutionary new pill for advanced skin cancer is to be trialled next year. Scientists say it is likely to be effective in patients no longer responding to existing treatments 

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