
Monday 24 November 2014

Could Wifi be harming YOUR health? That’s what a growing number of people believe is triggering their headaches, nausea and crippling pain

  • The list of places off-limits to Mary Coales is extensive 
  • The 63-year-old can’t go to theatres, restaurants, airports, or parks
  • Mary has electromagnetic hypersensitivity intolerance syndrome (EHS)
  • More than 3 million people think they have electro-sensitivity
The list of places off-limits to Mary Coales is extensive. The 63-year-old can’t go to theatres, restaurants, cinemas, airports, or parks. If she has a hospital appointment, she has to wait outside the building until the very last moment, while trips to the supermarket are conducted at lightning speed.

Even walking down the road outside her house can cause a terrible shooting pain in her mouth — which is why, whenever she goes out, she wears a top made from a special gauzy silver and polyamide material.

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