
Sunday, 7 December 2014

Major breakthrough for paralysed people after drug that restores movement shows 'extraordinary promise'

  • New drug, known as intracellular sigma peptide, or ISP, helps damaged nerve cells regenerate, allowing vital messages to be passed to muscles
  • Normally, when they try to grow across a scarred and damaged spinal cord, their path is blocked by glue-like chemicals
  • ISP, which is given as a daily injection, sticks to the chemicals instead
  • This allows the nerves to grow and grow, say scientists in Ohio, U.S. 
  • Rats with badly damaged spinal cords given drug daily for seven weeks
  • Their ability walk, balance and control their bladder muscles monitored
  • Vast majority of rats got something back in terms of function 
  • Some went from barely moving to being able to walk like healthy creatures 

  • A drug could restore the gift of movement to millions of people paralysed in car crashes, sporting accidents and falls, doctors believe. The chemical has shown ‘extraordinary promise’ when given to rats with severely damaged spinal cords. Some animals went from being barely able to take a step to being able to walk almost as well as healthy creatures. They also became more nimble and regained control of their bladder muscles. Overall, 21 of the 26 animals improved on the drug – an unparalleled success rate. Read more:
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