
Tuesday 16 May 2017

Porn triggers erectile dysfunction in men

Porn triggers erectile dysfunction in men but doesn't affect the sex lives of women, research reveals

  • Men that regularly watch porn are more likely to become disinterested in sex
  • One in five men watch porn three to five times a week, the survey revealed
  • Three per cent of men admit they prefer porn to having sex with a partner 
  • Pornography may set up unrealistic expectations based on film fantasies
  • It can be addictive, like drugs, with men building up a 'tolerance' over time 

Porn causes erectile dysfunction in men but doesn't affect the sex lives of women, new research reveals.

Men that regularly watch porn are more likely to become disinterested in sex and suffer from erectile dysfunction, the study found. 

One in five men watch porn three to five times a week and three per cent admit they prefer it to sex with a partner, the survey revealed. Read more:

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