
Sunday 30 July 2017

If you're yawning as you read this, the chances are you're not alone

Worn out UK: How 20million Britons don't get enough sleep with those aged 35 to 44 the worse affected

  • 38 per cent of UK adults – some 20million of us – are not getting enough sleep
  • Britons were worst affected by lack of sleep in a poll of 14,000 in 14 countries
  • Indians were the best sleepers with only 7 per cent saying they don't get enough
  • They also seem to sleep very well in China where only 11 per cent have a problem

If you're yawning as you read this, the chances are you're not alone.

According to a study, an astonishing 38 per cent of UK adults – some 20million of us – are not getting enough sleep.

Britons were the worst affected by lack of shuteye in a poll of 14,000 in 14 countries. Read more:

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