
Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Vitamin D will NOT protect your child from a cold

Myth-busting study says 'more isn't always better' to help toddlers stay healthy

  • Higher doses of vitamin D won't keep toddlers from catching a cold in the winter 
  • Study says the recommended daily dosage is plenty to keep them well 
  • Lead author Dr Jonathon Maguire said more vitamin D doesn't make a difference
  • Colds in the upper respiratory tract are the most common illnesses in children 
Giving children a high dose of vitamin D won't keep them from catching a cold during the winter, a new study claims.

Children aged one to five did not benefit from increased amounts of the 'sunshine vitamin' during the winter, according to a study published by the Journal of American Medical Association

Viral upper respiratory tract infections, such as the common cold, are what children aged one to five are most likely to catch. 

There is a link between low levels of vitamin D and the chance of catching a cold, but researchers found no statistical difference to prove that giving a toddler more than the daily recommended amount will make them any less susceptible. Read more:

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